Self Help Articles

Articles by Russ

Russ Beauchene

Ask for it.

You can't give what you don't have.

Which direction?

Fear or excitement?

Fear, friend or foe?

How important?

To paint a house.

How important is it?

By Russ

There is an old Zen story about a boy who went to a Zen master and asked the master to teach him Zen.

The master talked with the boy for a while and told him that he did not think the boy would be able to learn Zen.

The boy begged and pleaded with the master to teach him.

The master took to boy to a pool of water and told him to lean close and look at his reflection in the water.

When the boy's face was just above the water, the master pushed his head under the water and held it there.

When the boy started to run out of air he started fighting to get his head above water but the master still held it under the water.

Just before the boy passed out, the master pulled his head out of the water.

As the boy sat there gasping for breath, the master said. "When you want to learn Zen as badly as you wanted to breath just now, come back and see me."

We all say that there are things that we want in our lives.
We want to start a business.
We want to improve a relationship.
We want to learn something new.
We want to loose weight.

How important do we really make these things?

Are we really willing to do whatever it takes to do these things?

I want to start writing a series of e-courses.
How important is that to me?

Is it more important than that TV show I want to watch?
Is it more important than the game I want to play on my computer?
Is it more important than downloading some book that I will never read on a subject that has nothing to do with the e-course that I am trying to write?
Is it more important than going to the local coffee shop to gossip for a couple of hours.

If it is not more important than all those things, I might as well not even start it.

There are dreams and there are goals.

Dreams are nice to sit and talk about and not really do anything about unless it falls right into my lap.

Goals are things that I work towards.
They are important to me.
They are important enough that I am willing to let go of some of the things that just waste my time.

Do you want to dream your dreams or do you really want to reach your goal?

What are you really willing to do to get there?
What are you willing to give up to get there?
How important is it to you?

When it becomes as important as it was for that boy to breath, you WILL reach your goal.

It's your choice.

Go ahead and choose.


Russ has websites and a newsletter on personal freedom and empowerment.
Go there if you want to make changes in your life.
They are there to help people find their own personal freedom and empowerment and live the lives they choose to live.
You can stay as you are or become what you want to be.
It is always your choice.
And it's all free!

Russ Beauchene
Creating Your Own Life

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