Self Help Articles

Articles by Russ

Russ Beauchene

Ask for it.

You can't give what you don't have.

Which direction?

Fear or excitement?

Fear, friend or foe?

How important?

To paint a house.

Fear or excitement?

By Russ

With each thing we do, there is an outcome.

We can approach the things we do with either excitement or fear.

If we expect to fail or to get a negative outcome, we will approach things with fear.

If we expect things to succeed or get a positive outcome, we will approach things with excitement.

When I first decided to write a newsletter, there was a lot of fear coming up for me.
I had never done anything like this before.
I don't really know what I am doing.
People won't like what I have to say.
Will I really be able to come up with enough material to send out a newsletter once a week?

I did all my research.
I found articles that I would be able to use.
I set up my template for my newsletter.
Then I sent out my first one.

I got good response from my first newsletter.
I got positive feedback and suggestions.
I had a couple more signups.

The second newsletter was also scary.

Again, I got good feedback and positive ideas.
They like me.
Hey, this is fun.

I now look forward to each newsletter with a lot of excitement.

The experience was the same experience.
The only real difference was the expected outcome.

We are constantly presented with new things to try in our lives.
Each of us has our own reasons for expecting a positive or negative outcome if we try those things.

Each of has our own reference points to work from.

The whole secret to changing fear to excitement is simply to change our reference point.

That is where things like positive thinking and affirmations come in.

Their purpose is to get us to think of the positive things that can happen as opposed to focusing on the negative things.

We can start looking at how things can work as opposed to how things can fail.

Whenever I try anything new, I do my homework, prepare for as many the possibilities as I can and focus on all the reasons why it WILL work.

I have found that I can choose to focus on the positive or the negative.
It is my mind.
It is my choice.

I choose not to live in fear and expect the negative things to happen.

I choose to live in excitement and expect the positive things to happen.

Do you choose to live in excitement or fear?
It's your mind.
It's your choice.

Go ahead.



Russ has websites and a newsletter on personal freedom and empowerment.
Go there if you want to make changes in your life.
They are there to help people find their own personal freedom and empowerment and live the lives they choose to live.
You can stay as you are or become what you want to be.
It is always your choice.
And it's all free!

Russ Beauchene
Creating Your Own Life

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