Self Help Articles

Russ Beauchene

Russ Beauchene

Ask for it.

You can't give what you don't have.

Which direction?

Fear or excitement?

Fear, friend or foe?

How important?

To paint a house.

Ask for it.

By Russ

As I go through life I have come to a realization.

There are no mindreaders out there.

I remember a lot of times in my life when I expected people to be mindreaders.

I would feel bad about something and expect people to just "know" that I needed a hug.
Most of the time I didn't get that hug.

I would I would start doing some house cleaning and expect others to "know" that I wanted some help.
Most of the time I ended up doing it by myself.

There were a lot of areas where I expected other people to just "know" what I wanted or needed.
Most of the time they didn't.

I made an amazing discovery.

I need to ask for what I want.

That can be scary.

People might say "no".

If I don't ask for anything I don't have to worry about people saying "no".

Then again, if I don't ask, I don't give them a chance to say "yes" either.

If you don't ask for what you want, you can't be rejected.
You also aren't giving anyone a chance to accept you.

It might surprise you to know how many people are willing to say "yes".

If you are in sales and you don't ask the person to buy, how can they say "yes"?

If you need help setting up a web site and you don't ask for help how can anyone say "yes"?

If you need a hug and you don't ask for one, how can anyone say "yes"?

If you ask for what you want it is quite possible that someone can say "no" to you.

If you don't ask for what you want you never give anyone the chance to say "yes".

If I ask for what I want I have nothing to loose that I had to begin with.
I do have the chance to have whatever I do ask for.

Let's see. Nothing to loose and everything to gain.

I think I will go with that every time.

Ask for what you want and give people a chance to say "yes".

You might be suprised at how many times they will say "yes".

See how many times they say "yes" if you don't ask.

How many mindreaders do YOU know?

Until I meet a few mindreaders I guess I'll just have to ask for what I want.

And, you know what?
I just might get it.


Russ has websites and a newsletter on personal freedom and empowerment.
Go there if you want to make changes in your life.
They are there to help people find their own personal freedom and empowerment and live the lives they choose to live.
You can stay as you are or become what you want to be.
It is always your choice.
And it's all free!

Russ Beauchene
Creating Your Own Life

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