That's me!

Russ Beauchene


The change Is YOU

What do you want


Why make MP3s

What you'll need

Your first track

First script

It's about YOU

First recording


It's just energy

Your computer mind

Your beliefs

Letting go

Lets look at fear

More about fear

Summing it up

Where from here?

Your First Script

Now that we have Audacity set up the way that we want it, it is time to write out a script for our first mp3.

The first question we need to ask is, why are we doing this mp3?

What results do we want from this?

Very simply put, we want to feel good.

We want to be happy with life and with ourselves.

We want to be excited about life.

We want to live our lives with passion and gusto.

You will need to decide what all that means to you for yourself.

Now, you get to write your own script.

Yes, you DO want to write it out so that you have something to read from when you get ready to do your MP3.

Let yourself know what a great day it is going to be for you.

Now is not the time to be shy.

It's really ok to let yourself know what a wonderful person you are.

Nobody else is going to hear your mp3.

It is for your personal use.

Go ahead and go for it.

Remember something here.

This is not about the past or what has already happened in your life.

This is about what you are creating and bringing into your life NOW.

If life was exactly the way you wanted it to be, you would not be working on this mp3.

What do you WANT your life to be like?

How do you WANT to be?

Think about how a great day would be for you and make that your script.

This script is about you and how YOU are going to deal with your day.

This is about you being the person that YOU want to be.

It is not about changing anyone else.

It is all about changing YOU.

Just think about what a great day would be for you and write it down.

That will be your script.

Write it with passion and gusto and fun.

Write it as if it is really happening for you now.

Once you write it out, read it out loud and see how it makes you feel.

If it doesn't make you feel great and alive and happy, rewrite it in a different way so that it does.

When you read it out loud, read it with all of the gusto and emotion that will make it exciting, alive and fun for you.

If it make you laugh and giggle, great.

If it makes you feel good and positive, great.

Does it make you feel excited?

If it makes you feel good about life, great.

That is what it is all about.

This is a pep rally for YOU and YOU are the star.

We want to have fun, play, laugh, be as positive and excited as we can be and know that life is great.

When you can read the script and feel great about it you have the script that you want for now.

Read it out loud a few times so that you can read it without stumbling over it.

Once you can read it comfortably, you are ready to make your mp3.

Go ahead and do it.

Have fun and enjoy it.

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I would love to hear from you.
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