Newsletter Archives

Russ Beauchene



Creating Your Own Life

To change your life you need to change you.

And it's easier than you may think.
Hi {!name_fix},

Welcome to my Creating Your Own Life newsletter.

The purpose of this newsletter is to explore how we can make
changes in ourselves which will create changes in our world.

We will do that by making simple changes in our thoughts,
words, actions and expectations.

As we change our beliefs about ourselves and the world, our
lives WILL change.

Our lives WILL change from the inside out.

Here, we will find the tools and techniques to help make
those changes happen.

I hope that you enjoy it.

Hi {!name_fix},

Welcome back.

The last time we talked I said that we ALWAYS have and make

And those choices influence everything about your life.

It is the concept of having choices that give you all of the
freedom and power in your life.

If you have no choices you have no freedom in your life.

Having your choices taken away from you also eliminates any
feeling of personal power in your life.

Here is a question for you.

Why would you possibly give away any of your personal
freedom or personal power?

And yet we do just that every day.

How many choices do you think that you make every day?

If you are like most people, you will look at your day and
just look at where you made some conscious choices.

But, you are really making LOTS of choices every day.

Most of them are choices that were made in the past that
seemed to work back then.

Because it worked then we keep on defaulting back to those
old choices whenever a similar situation comes up.

Yes, we make a lot of choices without even thinking about

They are called habits.

A habit is just something that we do without thinking about

It is a programmed choice that we make.

A lot of our lives are run on autopilot.

If we had to stop and think about every little thing that we
had to do in our lives we would never get anything done.

When you learned how to drive a car, everything was new to
you and you had to think about each little thing about how
to drive.

Now you do most of the driving from habits that you learned.

You are making a lot of choices without really thinking
about it.

Look at the route that you take to work each day.

You do that same route without thinking about it.

As you go through your day, see how many choices are being
made without you even thinking about them.

For a good book on habits called The Power of Positive
Habits, go to:

There is nothing wrong with using habits to get things done
that you want to get done.

Many habits can work very well for you.

The problem comes when we have habits that don't really help
us in life at all.

In fact, there are a lot of habits that hold us back from
getting what we want in life.

Most people think about habits as just being actions that we

A lot of the way that we think is habitual.
A lot of the words that we use are habitual.
A lot of our expectations are habitual.

Look at all of the things that you think, do, and say that
you don't really think about ahead of time and you will see
a lot of the habits that you really do have.

Do not get me wrong.

Habits are not bad things.

In fact, I think that habits are very good things.

The only thing is that we need to be aware of the habits
that we have.

Find the ones that serve you and keep those.
They will make your life simpler.

Find they ones that seen to be standing in your way and
replace them with ones that DO serve you.

It's not really that hard to do.

You just need to choose to do it.

As you choose to change your habits your life will change.

We will be looking at how to do that as we go along.

Drop me a line and let me know what habits you are trying to
work with.

Let me know what you think about all of this.

Feedback is important to me.

Have a great day.

I am always open to any questions, ideas, comments, rants,
suggestions or anything else.

I also agree to disagree.

Go ahead and challenge me and make me back up what I am
talking about.

Feel free to get in touch with me.

I DO answer all e-mails.
Russ Beauchene has a web site called:
It's about making the changes in ourselves that we need to
make in order to get what we want in life.
You can contact Russ at:


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